Wisdom teeth (teeth of the eighth or the third largest molar) are the last teeth, usually in people at the age of 17 to 25. Dentists have not agreed on keeping or pulling them.

The problems arising when growing the wisdom teeth in the lower jaw:
– The patients feel pain and difficulty in opening the mouth and speaking, the gum is swollen and when the two jaws touch each other, that will cause severe pain. The patients may also have a fever. If getting a high fever and severe pain, the patients need to go to the dental clinic.
– Inflammation of the gum, the symptoms are that the gum are very red, especially the position of growing teeth, the patients are very pained when brushing their teeth.
– Sore throat also often occurs when the wisdom teeth grow.
Fortunately, most of the wisdom teeth in the lower jaw cause uncomfortable pain but not too much to endure, so after a period each person can adapt to the new teeth and actually has perfect teeth, even when we are 30 years old.

However, in some cases, because the wisdom teeth cause too much pain, you have to go to the dentist to ask him to remove or not. Coming with the extraction is the sequelae which may occur, the patients need to know to prevent and need to be helped by a doctor.
The sequelae after wisdom teeth extraction
Injured nerve: The anaesthesia of lips and tongue is usually temporary, but sometimes it also occurs permanently. If these lesions last for more than six months, they will be considered as permanent damage.
Pain: All regular extractions make the patients feel pained but after wisdom teeth extraction, they get multiplied pain. Jaw and facial areas have a lot of nerves so the pain is a normal response of the body, the pain will gradually decrease when the wound heals.
Teeth inflammation: This complication is likely to occur after teeth extraction and people still have not determined the exact cause of the disease. If the inflammation occurs, you should go to a dentist and be assigned to use antibiotics until healing, usually the disease lasts only one week.
Difficulty in opening the mouth: After wisdom teeth extraction, the patients find it difficult to open their mouths. This is the reflection to protect the wounds and it is not worried, after only a short time it will end.
The benefits of removing wisdom teeth:
1. The younger the patients are, the less complications they get, especially the wisdom teeth causing discomfort should be removed as soon as possible. The level of difficulty as well as postoperative complications usually increases with age.
Benefits of wisdom teeth extraction
2. The healing time usually happens faster in the cases that the roots of the wisdom teeth have not been put with the tip and the jaw bone is not completely calcium.
We hope that these presentations will help you to get the right decision in keeping or removing wisdom teeth. Even the dentist does not know whether your wisdom teeth can cause complications or not, but they can tell you the current status of the wisdom teeth, so you do not hesitate to visit and consult the opinion from the dentist.